Cache or Crash: Exploring the risks of using caching in distributed software systems

Illustration of a dumpster on fire with a green letter M inside it.


Discover the complexities of caching in distributed software systems as we explore both its benefits and potential risks. Learn from real-world examples and delve into best practices for implementing caching securely, without compromising availability.

By the end of this article you will be able to:

  • Understand caching benefits and risks in distributed systems.
  • Examine real-world caching incidents and impacts.
  • Implement caching best practices for secure, high-performing systems.

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    Caching is a powerful technique used to store and retrieve frequently accessed data more efficiently, reducing the need to fetch the data from its original source repeatedly. By improving software system performance, caching can reduce latency, costs, and smooth over small downstream availability drops. The benefits are significant, making caching a mandatory part of the software engineering process and system design interviews.

    However, caching also comes with immense risks. In this article, we will explore real-world examples of caching-related incidents, discuss the dark side of caching, and provide best practices for implementing and maintaining caches securely and reliably. By understanding the benefits and risks of caching, you can create high-performing software systems that strike the right balance between caching strategies and alternatives.

    Real-World Examples

    OpenAI security breach on Mar/20/2023

    OpenAI utilizes Redis to cache user information, reducing the load on their database. However, the ChatGPT security breach on March 20, 2023, resulted from a change that caused an unexpected surge in Redis request cancellations. This resulted in users seeing chat titles and chat messages from other users. 1

    Although the blame was laid on the feet of the redis-py client, it’s not clear how and why sensitive information is being stored in the cache as opposed to solely in a database, nor what the load testing and monitoring strategies are.

    Slack outage on Feb/22/2022

    The Slack outage on February 22, 2022 serves as a compelling case study on the risks associated with caches in software architectures.

    During a routine deployment to a control plane of Consul agents, Memcache nodes were sequentially removed from the cache fleet. At the same time, an inefficient Vitess database query for fetching user data in group direct messages (GDMs) occurred. With a significant portion of the cache unavailable, the database was overwhelmed, and most queries timed out, preventing cache refilling. Slack’s users experienced a widespread outage, with many unable to access the platform or experiencing significant performance issues. 2

    The Dark Side of Caching

    Navigating the complexities of caching in distributed systems can be challenging, as even expert guidance may not always provide accurate solutions. Take, for instance, Azure’s “Caching guidance”, which states 3:

    For example, a database might support a limited number of concurrent connections. Retrieving data from a shared cache, however, rather than the underlying database, makes it possible for a client application to access this data even if the number of available connections is currently exhausted. Additionally, if the database becomes unavailable, client applications might be able to continue by using the data that’s held in the cache.

    Consider caching data that is read frequently but modified infrequently (for example, data that has a higher proportion of read operations than write operations). However, we don’t recommend that you use the cache as the authoritative store of critical information. Instead, ensure that all changes that your application can’t afford to lose are always saved to a persistent data store. If the cache is unavailable, your application can still continue to operate by using the data store, and you won’t lose important information.

    The crucial misstep here lies in relying on the cache as a means to enhance availability when the data store can only support a limited number of concurrent connections. In the event that the cache becomes unavailable, your application’s availability will inevitably suffer, as it can no longer access the data store with the same level of concurrency. Consequently, the very purpose of using the cache to improve availability is undermined.

    The same incorrect design assumptions underlie the Slack outage. The Memcache cluster inadvertently has become the crutch that papers over the inefficient database queries and ineffectiveness of sharding by the Vitess database.

    The OpenAI incident underscores the risks of storing sensitive data in a cache, as security measures for the database might not cover the cache layer. Furthermore, the choice and implementation of a database are crucial in preventing such issues. Selecting an appropriate database could potentially eliminate the need for caching altogether, mitigating the associated security and availability risks.

    How DynamoDB improved their metadata caching

    AWS DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service. It is a distributed system composed of multiple microservices, including metadata service, request routing service, and storage nodes. The metadata service stores routing information, while the request routing service handles authorization, authentication, and routes requests to the appropriate storage nodes. 4

    Initially, DynamoDB stored metadata solely in the Metadata Service, which itself runs on DynamoDB. This resulted in a high cache hit rate but also introduced bi-modal behavior. This behavior caused performance issues and potential cascading failures when new request routers were added or caches became ineffective.

    To address these issues, DynamoDB created an in-memory distributed datastore called MemDS. MemDS stores metadata in memory and replicates it across its fleet, scaling horizontally to handle the incoming request rate.

    A new partition map cache was deployed on each request router host to avoid bi-modality. Cache hits now trigger an asynchronous call to MemDS to refresh the cache, ensuring a constant volume of traffic to the MemDS fleet regardless of cache hit ratio. This approach increases the load on the metadata fleet compared to conventional caches but prevents cascading failures when caches become ineffective.

    DynamoDB storage nodes serve as the authoritative source of partition membership data. Partition membership updates are pushed from storage nodes to MemDS and propagated to all MemDS nodes. If the partition membership provided by MemDS is stale, the incorrectly contacted storage node either responds with the latest membership or an error code, triggering another MemDS lookup by the request router. This design ensures efficient and reliable routing of requests in the distributed system, reducing risks associated with caches and improving overall performance. 4

    Best Practices for Implementing and Maintaining Caches

    Before diving headfirst into caching, it’s crucial to take a step back and honestly assess whether your software service truly needs it. Overreliance on caches can lead to potential disasters when traffic patterns shift or cache fleets fail. Never use caches as an intentional means of increasing availability, or if you do, ensure that your cache fleet undergoes the same level of design assessment and load testing as the services it fronts. 5

    To avoid issues with caching, it is essential to consider factors such as cache hit ratio, tolerance to eventual consistency, and the rate of change of source data when implementing caches. Additionally, choosing between local (on-box) and external caches depends on the specific needs and requirements of the service. 5

    Conclusion: Mastering the Cache Balance

    In conclusion, caching can be a powerful tool for improving the performance of distributed software systems, but it also comes with inherent risks and complexities. By carefully evaluating the necessity of caching, implementing robust strategies, and monitoring cache usage, you can strike the right balance between caching and alternative solutions. Ultimately, understanding the benefits and risks of caching will enable you to create secure, high-performing software systems that can withstand the challenges of ever-changing traffic patterns and unexpected failures.
