Formal modeling as a design tool


Alloy is a language and analyzer for formal software modeling. As a way of starting to learn Alloy I model a toy design that I know to be broken: Python pip’s legacy dependency resolution algorithm.

By the end of this article you will be able to:

  • Use Alloy to model and analyze a software design with state that varies over time.
  • Analyze Python pip’s legacy dependency resolution algorithm.
  • Explore a software design iteratively using formal modeling.


It is well known that Python’s pip’s legacy dependency resolution algorithm allows users to uninstall previously installed packages with different versions. This can break previously installed packages, or even worse be relied upon in order for them to work. The new version of pip has a new dependency resolver to prevent this from happening.

In this article we iterately design a package manager using formal methods and discover that pip’s approach was doomed. We then use the model to see options for resolving this.

You can follow along by downloading Alloy if you’d like.

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    Prior art, references, and other resources

    Formal Software Design with Alloy 6 is a work-in-progress book documenting the most recent release of Alloy, Alloy 6. I learned a lot following the guide, and this is a great starting point for learning about Alloy.

    I knew that I wanted to model a simplified version of pip’s legacy dependency resolution algorithm and started reading Formally Specifying a Package Manager. This article inspired me to get started.

    What are packages?

    Let’s assume there’s a local omnipotent package manager that knows about all possible packages. Alloy refers to types as signatures; think of a signature as a class, and an atom as an instance of a class. We can express this as:

    sig Package {}

    In Alloy you’re encouraged to start validating a design very early on even if the specification is incomplete. That way you spot design problems or specification errors as early as possible. So let’s create an example and run it:

    sig Package {}
    run example {}

    (see pm1.als)

    One of the matching examples is:

    There a class (signature) Package, and in this example two objects (atoms) Package0 and Package1. So far so good.

    One way of representing packages is to add three new fields:

    • name, e.g. “scipy” or “face-detector-lib”.
    • version, e.g. “1.0” or “0.9”.
    • requires, a set of zero or more other packages that this package depends on.
    sig Package {
        name : one Name,
        version : one Version,
        requires : set Package,
    sig Name {}
    sig Version {}
    run example {}

    (see pm2.als)

    (I change the Alloy theme to set “Show as arcs” to off for name and version)

    Hmm, that’s strange, it doesn’t make sense for a package at a version to depend on itself at a different version. I think this holds transitively, not just for the immediate dependency. And on further thought, this doesn’t just hold for the starting package but any package in the dependency graph.

    I’m going to add this as a fact, a predicate that is always true that reduces the solution space, and isn’t something we’re checking or asserting.

    sig Package {
        name : one Name,
        version : one Version,
        requires : set Package,
    sig Name {}
    sig Version {}
    fact "only one package version in dependency graph for package" {
        all p1 : Package, disj p2, p3 : p1.*requires | !=
    run example {}

    (see pm3.als)

    Let’s pick another example:

    Oh, we also don’t want the package itself appearing in its dependency graph. Let’s also make the examples more interesting:

    fact "package doesn't require itself at any version" {
        all p : Package | not in (p.requires).name
    run example {
        // At least 3 Packages
        #( >= 3
        // At least two requirements
        #(Package.requires) >= 2
    } for 5

    (see pm4.als)

    Now we’re cooking with gas! If we install Package3 and then Package0, the pip legacy dependency resolution algorithm would remove the old version of Name2 and break Package3.

    So we’re in good place with the signatures and basic facts, but how do I reproduce pip deleting an old dependency?

    Package installation over time

    Alloy 6 is a new major version of Alloy that lets it analyze behavioral models explicitly, i.e. models that change over time. Before we jump there let’s first model the idea of an installed package.

    By using sig InstalledPackage in Package {} we’re saying that InstalledPackage is non-disjoint a subset of Package. This is the easiest way I found to model the installation state of a package.

    sig InstalledPackage in Package {}

    (see pm5.als)

    So this is how to model installed packages, but how do we vary this state over time? This will take a few steps.

    First, we tell Alloy that the set of installed packages varies over time by prepending the signature with var:

    var sig InstalledPackage in Package {}

    Secondly, set an initial condition that there are no installed packages:

    fact {
        no InstalledPackage

    Next let’s create two events. The first installs a package, and we want to match pip’s legacy algorithm. An event is a predicate split up into three parts:

    1. Guard, what must be true in order to execute
    2. Effects, what temporal variables to change
    3. Frame conditions, what temporal variables to keep the same.
    pred install[p : Package] {
        // guard
        p not in InstalledPackage
        // effects
        // This enforces only one package with same name installed at any given time
        InstalledPackage' = p.*requires +
                            {p2 : InstalledPackage | not in (p.*requires).name}
        // no frame conditions

    Notice how we do not guard against removing existing packages.

    The single effect is a lot to unpack. It’s saying:

    • InstalledPackage' = : The new InstalledPackage set is equal to…
    • p.*requires +: all of the package’s dependencies including itself, union with…
    • {p2 : InstalledPackage | not in (p.*requires).name}: all currently installed packages whose names do not conflict with the new package’s dependencies.

    Notice how there are no frame conditions; we are not preserving any other temporal variables as their old contents.

    We need a second stutter event that does nothing. This allows Alloy to always explore infinitely long traces, which is a condition of using var.

    pred stutter {
        // no guard
        // no effects
        // frame condition
        InstalledPackage' = InstalledPackage

    Now we tie together the two events and set up a fact that one or the other are always running:

    fact {
        always (
            stutter or
            one p : Package - InstalledPackage | install[p]

    Put it all together and get an example.

    (see pm6.als)

    The left boxes are time 0 and the right are time 1. We know this means we’re installing Package2, and hence Package0, but it’s a bit hard to interpret this. We use a trick to make the events appear explicitly by adding:

    enum Event { Stutter, Install }
    fun install_happens : set Event -> Package {
        { e : Install, p: Package | install[p] }
    fun stutter_happens : set Event {
        { e : Stutter | stutter }

    (see pm7.als)

    Finally let’s actually check that installed packages always have their dependencies:

    assert PackagesHaveDependencies {
        always (all p : InstalledPackage | p.*requires in InstalledPackage)
    check PackagesHaveDependencies for 3

    (see pm8.als)

    And they don’t:

    Package0 is installed and requires Package2 (Name0 at Version1). Then we install Name0 at Version0. Whoops, we removed Name0 at Version1 and broke Package2.

    How do we fix this? There are two options that the model are telling us:

    1. The install predicate lacks a guard to prevent it from uninstalling already installed packages. We could add such a predicate. This is how pip’s new resolver logic works.
    2. The install predicate effect’s could somehow support packages with the same name and multiple versions.

    Future work and areas for improvement

    In this model the local package manager is omnipotent, but in reality we need to download package specifications from a server. Moreover, maintainers can arbitrarily update specifications at any time. An older version of PyPI allowed maintainers to overwrite existing versions with new dependencies. I wonder what kinds of issues this could have caused?

    Instead of just installing packages we could model a local file system. That way we can be fairer to the Python ecosystem, which emphasizes separating installation environments.

    How do npm (JavaScript), Cargo (Rust), gem (Ruby), CPAN (Perl), and other languages resolve dependencies? Is there a single unifying formal model that expresses all of these and highlights tradeoffs they make? MinNPM: Customizable Optimizing Dependency Resolution (video) looks like relevant research in this area.